Dane County ARES was represented at the 2023 Dark Skies Severe Weather Seminar on March 25 at Madison College. Chad, WA4ORM did a presentation on NWS/MWK and Jeff, KC9UNZ staffed an ARES information table during the event.

Dane County ARES was represented at the 2023 Dark Skies Severe Weather Seminar on March 25 at Madison College. Chad, WA4ORM did a presentation on NWS/MWK and Jeff, KC9UNZ staffed an ARES information table during the event.
At our monthly meeting on Feb 23 we revisited Winlink. Jeff, KC9UNZ lead the presentation with help from Tom, W9TDP sending winlink messages from Florida. Please see below for a recording of the presentation, and link to the slide deck and a note about the winlink error we ran into.
From time to time when starting an RF session on winlink, if you get the computer port incorrect (in the case of tonight’s presentation it was a packet Winlink session) the program will hang if it is the incorrect port. Sometimes the session will time out and let you go back to settings and correct your port, but, sometimes it just freezes forever and makes you look stupid during a presentation! I am including a link to a post that shows you how to clear the lock and try again (this time with a different port).
Here is where you can find information about fixing the frozen port: https://jeffrey.fillian.com/2023/03/20/help-my-winlink-packet-session-froze-because-my-port-was-wrong/
We’ve received initial notification of Bike the Barns plans for 2023. The date will be September 17, 2023 and this year the location will be mostly concentrated in the Mt Horeb / Cross Plains area.
We have a tentative schedule of monthly meeting subjects for 2023. Thanks so much for the ideas that came out of the January meeting. For some we have presenters and others we are looking for expertise to either lead the presentation or add expertise. Let us know at kc9unz@arrl.net if you have some expertise to contribute or ideas for the open evenings. Our meetings usually start at 7:00 PM at Space Place, 2300 Park Street, Madison and we usually offer a hybrid option for unable to come. The Zoom connection information in unique for each meeting and will be emailed to Dane/Iowa county ARES/RACES members about a week before the meeting. If you need the zoom information and do not receive the email please send a request with your Call Sign to kc9unz@arrl.net.
The SIMCOM Planning team is working on SIMCOM 2023 activities. Please plan on joining us for a 2 days of field training, in the Wisconsin Emergency Management East Central and West Central regions (exact locations TBD), focusing on communications. Watch for signup in early March 2023.
Dane ARES folk met in a hybrid meeting on January 26 at Space Place and Zoom. The major agenda from the meeting was to find out what members felt should be important about our work this year. We split into groups and discussed and then came back together to share results.
We also requested that each Ham that is interested in public service through ARES/RACES for 2023 send a message to KC9UNZ indicating so. This is a messaging activity as well. You can send your message, preferably using an ICS213 form one of 3 ways.
You can find links to forms below. For further instructions please take a look at the link to the notes from the meeting.
Attached here are the notes from the meeting.
Registration for 2023 Wisconsin Governor’s Conference on Emergency Management and Homeland Security is now open. The event will be held on February 27 – March 1 at the Madison Marriott West in Middleton. Early bird registration (before Jan 31) is $225. Full Registration is $275. For more information you can go to the home page at: https://wem.wi.gov/ready230109/
Bike the Barns will be held on September 17, 2023. Jeff, KC9UNZ will be coordinating Ham Volunteers again this year. Come back here for more information as it becomes available.
We’ll be meeting on Jan 26 at 7:30. It will be a hybrid meeting, in person at Space Place with a Zoom option if you can’t or don’t feel comfortable joining us. More info to come. If you have not received your email invitation which includes the Zoom connection information please send a note including your call sign to KC9UNZ@arrl.net
Save the Date!
Mark your calendars for the 2023 Governor’s Conference on Emergency Management & Homeland Security, February 27 – March 1, at the Madison Marriott West in Middleton.
The future will bring new challenges to everyone who serves their community. In 2023, the Governor’s Conference on Emergency Management and Homeland Security continues to evolve by providing multiple tracks to explore how different aspects of our field intersect. Coming together at the 2023 Conference is only the beginning of putting us on track for the future together.
Find additional information on the conference website and watch for registration to open soon.
Whether you serve through communications, health, the private sector, emergency response or homeland security, the 2023 WEM Conference is set to inspire and motivate you as we all head towards the future. We look forward to seeing you in February!