This page will give instructions for some area Winlink Nets to try. Let me know ( or KC9UNZ on winlink) if you discover any additional Winlink nets worth trying. Most nets will acknowledge your check-in each week and once you’ve checked-in once you will receive a reminder each week.
- Hamword
This one is just for fun. If you are committee to Wordle you will love this. Each week a new word is chosen. Once you submit your guess on the quarter-hour you will receive your result and you can guess again. See the URL for instructions and scoreboard.
Subject: Anything you want
Body: A 5 letter word
- Florida Winlink Net
Name: Florida Winlink Net
To: All information at: W4AKH.NET
URL for more information: W4AKH.NET
Day(s)/Time of Week to check in: Runs 24/7, but Tuesday 0900 ET is the break-point for the ‘next week’
Additional Notes: All information at: W4AKH.NET
Runs 24/7, but Tuesday 0900 ET is the break-point for the ‘next week’
They encourage battery or solar power sources.
Checkin by regular RMS, or by P2P sessions.
They have a daily schedule of P2P stations around the US, with varying times on several frequencies, including the upper midwest (WI and MN) - AMLEGNELCO Post 42 Winlink Net
Name: AMLEGNELCO Post 42 Winlink Net
Subject: AMLEG Post 42 Winlink Check-In (or the subject line generated by the Form)
Body: Call Sign, Name, City, County, State or Country (2 Letter abbrev), Band and Mode (See the instructions in the URL)
URL for more information:
Day(s)/Time of Week to check in: 0001 ET Tuesday and 2359 ET Sunday
Additional Notes: Please check the URL above for additional instructions as the task changes on a weekly basis.
- Winlink Wednesday
Name: Winlink Wednesday
Subject: Winlink Wednesday Check-In
Body: call sign, first name, city or town, county, state (HF or VHF, etc.)
URL for more information:
Day(s)/Time of Week to check in: Wednesdays 0000 to 2359ET
Additional Notes: Be sure to check the above URL or the reminder notice you will get each week as the assignment may change.
They have both P2P and regular check-ins; P2P stations around the US
They vary the information; sometimes a simple message, sometimes Weather form, sometimes ICS-213
Please do not use a “Telnet Winlink” connection (which defeats the purpose of Winlink). The goal is to have the message leave your station via RF. - OH Winlink Net
Name: OH Winlink Net Reminder
Subject: OH Winlink Net Check-in
Body: callsign, first name, city, county, state and via what mode/band (VHF, UHF, HF, SHF, TELNET, APRS, AREDN, ARDOP, VARA, VARA FM)
Day(s)/Time of Week to check in: You can check-in anytime day or night between Monday and Thursday of each week
Additional Notes: This is a good time to test drive the Winlink forms. Many operators like to use the Winlink Check-In form located in the General Forms tab (Templates Tab > Standard Templates > Mapping GIS Forms > Winlink Check In). Include your current GPS Lat and Long on the form.
- WI ARES/RACES Digital Net Check-in
Name: WI ARES/RACES Digital Net Check-in
Subject: //WL2K WI ARES/RACES Digital Net Check-in
Body: callsign, first name, city, county, state (if outside WI).
Day(s)/Time of Week to check in: 00:00 UTC until 24:00 UTC Tuesday. (6:00 pm CST Monday to 6:00 pm CST Tuesday)
Additional Notes: I often miss this one since it is only open for 24 hours. This is the state ARES/RACES Winlink Net
- Great Lakes Area Winlink Net
Name: Great Lakes Area Winlink Net
Subject: GLAWN Checkin <today’s_date>
Body: Callsign, Firstname, City, County, State (abbr), Country (3 letter abbr), band, mode, grid (You can put anything you want after the first line, but don’t put anything else in the first line.)
xxNxxx, Jennifer, Hamer, Madison, ID, USA, TELNET, SMTP, DN43vw
xxNxxx, John, none, Fremont, ID, USA, 40m, ARDOP, DN44fiDay(s)/Time of Week to check in: Check in between Monday at 0001 UTC to Saturday at 2359 UTC
Additional Notes: Usually there is a second optional activity for each week. The instructions for each week can be found at: GoogleDoc invite: