WI ARES/RACES Digital Net Check-in

Name: WI ARES/RACES Digital Net Check-in


Subject: //WL2K WI ARES/RACES Digital Net Check-in

Body: callsign, first name, city, county, state (if outside WI).

Day(s)/Time of Week to check in: 00:00 UTC until 24:00 UTC Tuesday. (6:00 pm CST Monday to 6:00 pm CST Tuesday)

Additional Notes: I often miss this one since it is only open for 24 hours. This is the state ARES/RACES Winlink Net

Great Lakes Area Winlink Net

Name: Great Lakes Area Winlink Net


Subject: GLAWN Checkin <today’s_date>

Body: Callsign, Firstname, City, County, State (abbr), Country (3 letter abbr), band, mode, grid (You can put anything you want after the first line, but don’t put anything else in the first line.)
xxNxxx, Jennifer, Hamer, Madison, ID, USA, TELNET, SMTP, DN43vw
xxNxxx, John, none, Fremont, ID, USA, 40m, ARDOP, DN44fi

Day(s)/Time of Week to check in: Check in between Monday at 0001 UTC to Saturday at 2359 UTC

Additional Notes: Usually there is a second optional activity for each week. The instructions for each week can be found at: GoogleDoc invite: https://tinyurl.com/GLAWN-Current-Invitation

Dane/Iowa County ARES/RACES Meeting January 29

Wow, the last Wednesday of the month is near!

This month will be Winlink, winlink, winlink. We’ll show you a bunch of stuff on winlink…

  • Setting Up a WinLink Account
  • Start with Telnet Sessions
  • Creating a message
  • Sending/Receiving
  • Using Forms
  • Send/Reply using ICS213
  • Using email (//WL2K)
  • Creating/Using A Tactical Call
  • RF Winlink
  • P2P VARA or Packet
  • Winlink Nets

If you have a laptop that you use (or plan to use) with Winlink bring it along and join the fun.

We’ll meet at 7 pm on Wednesday Jan 29 at the Dane County EOC at 2982 Kapec Rd. Fitchburg, WI 53719

If you are unable to join us in person you can join us virtually using the Google Meet. Even if you can’t be there, if you have winlink installed you’ll be able to participate from home as well! If you need the Google Meet connection information and you didn’t get the email notification, drop a note to kc9unz@arrl.net, include your call sign and name and I’ll send it along.

See you on Wednesday.

2025 ARES/RACES Contact and Capabilities Form

Each year we update everyone’s contact information and the capabilities they bring to ARES participation. We also ask if they are interested in participating this year. Remember, there are no dues for ARES/RACES participation, only a willingness to improve your skills and a willingness to use your skills for public service and if we are deployed. This form helps us keep our information up to date and to tailor the training opportunities to our active membership. 

Please use this form to submit your information for 2025:  https://forms.gle/NG8gkfr1Vbeiezt26

September 2024 Monthly Meeting

Well, after a weekend back in the stone age my internet service is back today!

We are meeting in person this week on Wednesday, 9/25 @ 7PM at the Dane County EOC at 2982 Kapec Rd, Fitchburg, WI 53719

In various ways over the last few months I’ve been answering questions about “Getting Started.” I realize I need to update that information on our website for new and old alike. I’d like to start that update at this week’s meeting. There are some new things to take note of and some reminders of things that have been out there for a while. 

For those unable to join us in person you can use the Google Meet virtual space. (Google Meet information went out in an email to Hams in the area, If you did not receive the email please send a request with your Call Sign to KB9ORN@gmail.com

Please also note that due to scheduling conflicts and holidays this will be our last in-person meeting for 2024. However the Net meetings at 8PM every Wednesday will continue as usual.

2025 Wisconsin Governor’s Conference on Emergency Management & Homeland Security

Save the Date!

Mark your calendars for the 2025 Wisconsin Governor’s Conference on Emergency Management & Homeland Security.

It will take place March 10-12, 2025, at the Oneida Hotel in Green Bay.

Find additional information on the conference website and watch for registration to later this year.

Early registration fees will be $275. Late registration will be $325.

Whether you work in communications, health, the private sector, emergency response, or homeland security, together, we can promote greater community preparedness to build a more secure and resilient Wisconsin.

We look forward to seeing you in March!