Wow, the last Wednesday of the month is near!
This month will be Winlink, winlink, winlink. We’ll show you a bunch of stuff on winlink…
- Setting Up a WinLink Account
- Start with Telnet Sessions
- Creating a message
- Sending/Receiving
- Using Forms
- Send/Reply using ICS213
- Using email (//WL2K)
- Creating/Using A Tactical Call
- RF Winlink
- P2P VARA or Packet
- Winlink Nets
If you have a laptop that you use (or plan to use) with Winlink bring it along and join the fun.
We’ll meet at 7 pm on Wednesday Jan 29 at the Dane County EOC at 2982 Kapec Rd. Fitchburg, WI 53719
If you are unable to join us in person you can join us virtually using the Google Meet. Even if you can’t be there, if you have winlink installed you’ll be able to participate from home as well! If you need the Google Meet connection information and you didn’t get the email notification, drop a note to kc9unz@arrl.net, include your call sign and name and I’ll send it along.
See you on Wednesday.