2025 ARES/RACES Contact and Capabilities Form

Each year we update everyone’s contact information and the capabilities they bring to ARES participation. We also ask if they are interested in participating this year. Remember, there are no dues for ARES/RACES participation, only a willingness to improve your skills and a willingness to use your skills for public service and if we are deployed. This form helps us keep our information up to date and to tailor the training opportunities to our active membership. 

Please use this form to submit your information for 2025:  https://forms.gle/NG8gkfr1Vbeiezt26

Cross-Band Repeating

At our March in person meeting on the 27th Luke, KC9IFF shared a presentation on cross-band repeating and how it is used for Events and Emergencies using Ham Radio. Thanks so much Luke!

Below you will find a recording of Luke’s presentation as well as a link to his slide deck.

Dane/Iowa County ARES/RACES March In Person Meeting – Cross Banding

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