Amateur Radio Emergency Service for Dane and Iowa Counties
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- HamwordThis one is just for fun. If you are committee to Wordle you will love this. Each week a new word is chosen. Once you submit your guess on the quarter-hour you will receive your result and you can guess again. See the URL for instructions and scoreboard. To: HAMWORD Subject: Anything you want Body:Continue reading “Hamword”
- Florida Winlink NetName: Florida Winlink Net To: All information at: W4AKH.NET URL for more information: W4AKH.NET Day(s)/Time of Week to check in: Runs 24/7, but Tuesday 0900 ET is the break-point for the ‘next week’ Additional Notes: All information at: W4AKH.NETRuns 24/7, but Tuesday 0900 ET is the break-point for the ‘next week’They encourage battery or solarContinue reading “Florida Winlink Net”
- AMLEGNELCO Post 42 Winlink NetName: AMLEGNELCO Post 42 Winlink Net To: AMLEGNELCO Subject: AMLEG Post 42 Winlink Check-In (or the subject line generated by the Form) Body: Call Sign, Name, City, County, State or Country (2 Letter abbrev), Band and Mode (See the instructions in the URL) URL for more information: https://tinyurl.com/AMLEGNELCO-WINLINK-NET Day(s)/Time of Week to check in: 0001Continue reading “AMLEGNELCO Post 42 Winlink Net”
- Winlink WednesdayName: Winlink Wednesday To: KN4LQN Subject: Winlink Wednesday Check-In Body: call sign, first name, city or town, county, state (HF or VHF, etc.) URL for more information: https://winlinkwednesday.net Day(s)/Time of Week to check in: Wednesdays 0000 to 2359ET Additional Notes: Be sure to check the above URL or the reminder notice you will get eachContinue reading “Winlink Wednesday”
- OH Winlink NetName: OH Winlink Net Reminder To: K8EAF Subject: OH Winlink Net Check-in Body: callsign, first name, city, county, state and via what mode/band (VHF, UHF, HF, SHF, TELNET, APRS, AREDN, ARDOP, VARA, VARA FM) Day(s)/Time of Week to check in: You can check-in anytime day or night between Monday and Thursday of each week AdditionalContinue reading “OH Winlink Net”
- WI ARES/RACES Digital Net Check-inName: WI ARES/RACES Digital Net Check-in To: KD9USW Subject: //WL2K WI ARES/RACES Digital Net Check-in Body: callsign, first name, city, county, state (if outside WI). Day(s)/Time of Week to check in: 00:00 UTC until 24:00 UTC Tuesday. (6:00 pm CST Monday to 6:00 pm CST Tuesday) Additional Notes: I often miss this one since itContinue reading “WI ARES/RACES Digital Net Check-in”
- Great Lakes Area Winlink NetName: Great Lakes Area Winlink Net To: GLAWN Subject: GLAWN Checkin <today’s_date> Body: Callsign, Firstname, City, County, State (abbr), Country (3 letter abbr), band, mode, grid (You can put anything you want after the first line, but don’t put anything else in the first line.)Examples:xxNxxx, Jennifer, Hamer, Madison, ID, USA, TELNET, SMTP, DN43vwxxNxxx, John, none,Continue reading “Great Lakes Area Winlink Net”